Basketball players do not have a large amount of equipment, but they do have personal items that they carry with them to games and to practice sessions. They often carry a ball, an air pump for their ball, wraps for injuries, a change of clothing, and other assorted items.
The problem for these players is finding a way to carry all of the things they need in a convenient way. Most backpacks are made too small to carry items like basketballs. Most carry bags that can accommodate the size of a basketball are too long and cumbersome.
Our readers asked us to help them find the perfect bags for this purpose. We went to our group of professional players and asked them what they used and recommended.
Top 7 Best Basketball Backpacks
1. SKL Drawstring Bag Backpack for Men Women Basketball

One thing that you need in a backpack or carry bag that you use for sporting equipment, clothing and shoes is the ability to wash the bag. The 100% polyester fiber material that this bag is made from can withstand being laundered frequently.
This bag is large enough to carry everything you need. Your ball, shoes, and everything else you need easily fit into this bag. It also has a waterproof pocket for things that simply do not need to get wet like your wallet.
The shoulder/carry strap is wide enough to not cut into your shoulder even when the bag is filled.
What We Like
- Plenty of pockets for your things
- Wide straps displaces weight evenly
- Adjustable straps
What We Don’t Like
- Does not have a mesh pocket for the ball
2. Nike BA5256-010: Men’s Black/Black/White

This bag has a drawstring closure that is easy to close. No fumbling with buckles or hooks. It has good wide foundation straps that make it easy and painless to carry. It is great for the gym, or for kids to use as an educational backpack.
The bag is plenty large enough to carry all of the things you want to carry along. The outside pocket zips closed so you can secure small items like your keys, wallet and cell phone in an easy to access area.
The bag material can be laundered without being damaged. You do not have to worry about the odor left behind by dirty basketball shoes or gym clothes.
What We Like
- Several compartments to arrange items in
- Durable material
What We Don’t Like
- Bag is not water proof
3. Legendary Drawstring Bag – Waterproof

This bag is fashioned in such a way that you can carry any sporting equipment in it. It is great for basketball players because the ball, their water-bottle, their clothing, their shoes and anything else they want to carry will all fit inside the bag. There are several pockets so everything does not have to be dumped out so you can find the one thing you are looking for.
The interior of the bag is water-proof. Your clothes and items are not going to get wet if you get caught in a shower on the way to the game.
The fabric is very strong and durable so it can handle being carried daily.
What We Like
- Spacious compartments
- Water-proof materials on the interior
- Machine washable
What We Don’t Like
- Does not have padded shoulder straps
4. Under Armour Undeniable Sack-pack

This bag has a drawstring closure so you simply drop your items in the bag and pull the string closed. This allows you to pack up quicker and be on the way to the game faster.
There is ample amount of room for a basketball. The main portion of the bag can easily hold your ball, your towel, your shoes, or a change of clothing.
This bag is made from material that can be machine washed so you can keep it clean and odor free. Your stuff will stay protected and dirt and germs will not be a problem because you can toss the bag into the washer along with your clothing.
What We Like
- This bag is very durable
- The drawstring on the bag is thick and strong
- Lightweight and easy to carry
What We Don’t Like
- The material is not water proof
5. Sports Basketball Backpacks Bags

This backpack has wide straps that allow the weight inside the bag to be distributed evenly. You will not have the bag straps cutting into you. The padding on the straps makes them even more comfortable.
The outer mesh pocket is the perfect place to carry your basketball. The ball is easy to get to and does not get dirt onto the things inside the main pouch of the bag.
The bag has zipper closures so your items stay inside and you worry less about losing things.
The bag is easy to clean and attractive so it can be carried by guys or girls.
What We Like
- Outer pocket can carry your ball, or dirty sneakers, or clothing
- Unisex
- Padded straps that make it comfortable to carry
What We Don’t Like
- The material is not water resistant
6. Hard Work Sports Basketball Backpack With Ball Compartment

The shoulder straps on this backpack are completely adjustable so you can make them fit you perfectly. That makes the backpack more comfortable to wear when it is filled with sporting equipment.
It has an exterior mesh pouch to hold the basketball. The top of the pouch has a strap that snaps closed so your ball will not fall out of the pack. The ball does not get dirt or sweat on your water bottle or clean clothes inside your main pouch.
The backpack is machine washable so you can keep it fresh and clean.
What We Like
- Adjustable straps give you a custom fit
- Strong and durable
- Plenty of compartments
What We Don’t Like
- The material is not water proof
7. Under Armour Undeniable 3.0 Backpack

This backpack has multiple compartments so you can separate your items. It has a large center pouch that can easily carry, shoes, clothes, towels, your ball, books and more.
The material is durable and can be washed in a regular washing machine so you can clean your bag when you clean your uniform. The exterior of the bag is water resistant so if you get caught in the rain you do not have to worry that your books or clothes are getting wet.
The pouches on the bag have zipper closures so you do not have to worry about your items falling out or being lost.
What We Like
- Zippers on the pouches to secure your belongings
- Spacious compartments
- Wide and comfortable shoulder straps
What We Don’t Like
- Straps are not padded
Buying Guide and Usages
Before you purchase a backpack or a carry bag you need to consider a few things. Think about what you will carry in the bag the most. You also want to consider whether the bag will be used occasionally or if it will be used frequently.
Once you have determined how you plan to use the bag choose one that accommodates your needs. The following features should be considered while you shop.
You are going to carry this bag filled with your stuff so you want it to be comfortable to use. If you are buying a backpack the comfort is increased when the backpack has wide straps. The wide straps help to distribute the weight more evenly across your shoulders.
Straps that are padded help to increase the comfort of a backpack also. Padded straps are less likely to cut into your shoulders and cause pain, even when the pack is filled to capacity.
The size of the bag that you need is determined by the things you will carry with you most often. If you carry your basketball with you then make sure the bag or backpack either has an external ball holder or a main compartment that opens wide enough to get the ball inside.
You want a bag or backpack that is made from materials that will last for a long time. You do not want to have to replace the bag more than once a year and you do not want a bag that is easily torn because the material was stretched when the bag was filled.
Weather Resistance
Weather resistant bags will allow you to carry your wallet, cell phones, clean dry clothing, and other items that you do not want to get wet. The weather proof material will allow you to not be worried if you get caught in the rain.
Easy to Clean
If you carry sporting equipment and clothes in a bag then the bag will start to smell pretty quickly. You want to buy a bag that you can toss into the washing machine with your gym clothes.
You want a bag that has secure closures for each department so you do not have to worry about items getting lost or falling out of your bag. Drawstrings are the easiest closures to operate, but zippers are the most secure closures.
Useful Tips
- When you wash your backpack or bag, do not place it in the dryer. Lay the bag flat on top of a towel, or hang it so that it can air dry. The dryer can damage the fabrics and decrease the durability of the bag.
- Place a clean dryer sheet inside your bag and it will help to absorb any odors. Replace the dryer sheet every three to four days for optimum freshness.
- Tea bags can remove odors. Place unused, dry, tea bags in your shoes or in your bag and leave them there overnight to help reduce any odor.
- Wipe your ball off before putting it in your bag to reduce dirt.
- Keep hand sanitizer in your bag for the times when water is not readily available
- Always keep an Ace bandage or wrap that could be used on your ankle or knee with you. Accidents can happen at any time and you should always be prepared.
- Write your name and phone number on the bag or inside the bag in case it is ever lost.
- Dark colored bags do not stain as easily as light colored bags.
Last Word
A good bag or backpack to carry your sporting equipment in will protect your equipment and make transporting your stuff easier to do. A backpack is easy to carry, and it allows you to have both hands free for other purposes.
When you select your backpack or bags always keep in mind the amount of things you will carry frequently. Consider the size of the items you will carry, and if possible try to insert a ball into the back before you buy it to determine if the ball will fit easily.