In the sport’s world basketball can be found in various sizes in different categories. So, NBA has fixed the size of selecting basketball for all ages basketball lovers. Basketball is a speedy game of continuous moving so getting injuries by playing the is very obvious and the tension will break a player’s concentration too. So, the selection of the appropriate ball is very emergent.
Does baketball size really matter?
The bigger the size makes the heavier the ball and the heavy ball is not in favor of good playing. Imperfect ball refers to that ball which does not go with your age or height and the imperfect ball can be harmful even players can be injured during playing or practicing.
An imperfect ball is enough to annihilate a new or experienced player’s splurge. So, take the game in the peck of the standard level size of a basketball really matters.
Standard Size of Basketball
If we consider the baskets and basketball court the ball is the most momentous thing to play the game. The NBA has declared the standard size of a basketball and that is 29.5 in circumference but according to WNBA, it will be 28.5 inches in circumference.
Basketball Size Chart by Age

Basketball Size For Youth – Size 7
Recommended size 7 having circumference 29.5 inches (standard size) in 22 oz. Which is also known as the “Official Size”. Specially made for the men of high school, college, and the NBA. This size of basketball is perfect for indoor basketball game.
Basketball Size For 12 Year old and plus – Size 6
Recommended size 6 having circumference 28.5 inches in 20 oz. Will be the best choice for both boys and girls (especially for girls). It is called the “Intermediate Size” which is usually used in Youth League. This is especially recommended for the girls in high school, college and the WNBA.
Basketball Size For 10 Year old – Size 5
Recommended size 5 having circumference 27.5 inches in 17 oz. This is best for the youth as it is known as the “Youth Size” it is recommended for youth age 5 to 9 (both boys and girls).
There are so many kids basketball hoops available in the market. It’s cheap but good looking and perfect beging for your junior.
Basketball Size For 7 Year old – Size 4
Recommended size 4 having circumference 25.5 inches in 14 oz. This is for the juniors that’s why this is called “Junior Ball”.
Basketball Size For 5 Year old – Size 3 Basketball
Recommended size 3 having circumference 22 inches in 10 oz. It is called the “Mini” the second smallest basketball over the market.
Basketball Size For Kids – Below 5 years old
Recommended size 1 having circumference 16 inches in 8 oz. It is the smallest size of basketball till today called “Micro-mini”.
Read more about Best Poolside Basketball Hoops

Advantages: of having a perfect Basketball
- Basketball is the fastest moving game including dribbling, rebounding, shooting, passing and defense. A perfect choice of basketball will help to do the terms properly.
- Appropriate basketball will reduce the possibility of getting harm and also improve the capability of defense.
- Basketball is a physical stress demanding game. Required size and weight will alleviate the stress from your shoulders.
- For flexible playing, nothing can be as good as a perfect basketball. It can serve you the level highest of satisfaction.
Frequently Asked Questions
What size basketball do 8 year olds use?
Most 8 year olds will play best using a Junior International size 5 basketball. The circumference of that ball is 27.25 inches and the ball weighs only 14 to 16 ounces. This ball is also recommended for girls and boys between 8 and 12 years of age. If the child is small for their age consider a Mini International size 3 ball. It has a circumference of 22 to 22.5 inches.
How do you pick the right size basketball?
To pick the right size basketball you must consider the size, age and gender of the person who will be using the ball. Boys between the ages of 12 and 14 normally play with a ball that has a 28.5 inch circumference. Women and girls over the age of 12 also play with a 28.5 inch circumference ball. Youth under the age of 12 usually use a ball with a 27.5 circumference no matter what gender they are.
What size is a women’s basketball?
Women normally play with a ball that has a 28.5 inch circumference. This is the same ball that is recommended for youth that are between the ages of 12 and 14. These balls are listed as a size 6 ball and they are the approved size according to the Womens National Basketball League.
Final Word
Most of the players are in a dilemma to choose the congenial basketball to play and pick up the wrong one which affects their game very badly as it propulsive to bad shooting.
Basketball ball being too large or too small comprising with the assertion will hamper a player physically, mentally and very importantly to the game. Your basketball can be your first and the biggest defense on the way to success is the best in your game. So, choosing the appropriate basketball should be the first biz. Keep in touch and get more information from Stepienrules blog.